Husband Gone = Shopping
So hubby has been away for a little over a month and he gets back tonight. Let's just say I stayed occupied while he was away on filling up those holes in our house -- with some new furniture. New to me furniture that is because most of the pieces were bought used.
One of those items was a secretary very similar to the one Eddie Ross gave that amazing transformation. I love his in white. I want to give mine a transformation as well, but I am not sure if the color white is right for the space. I may just keep it as is for now because I placed it in the dining room and we have a lot of dark furniture. I think the white would really stand out and not look right.
Eddie Ross Secretary Makeover
I am thinking of just keeping it as is and give it a look like the one found in Lonny Magazine Issue 4. Like this.
Since it is in the dining room, I think this look is perfect. I can see some vintage silver barware and the drawers will house pretty linens. I will post a picture of it when it is ready. I need a few more accessories.
The other major piece of furniture is mostly to be used by hubby. I found an amazing deal on a Henry Link Bali Hai lingerie chest at a local consignment store and I couldn't pass on it. More on this to come later.
I also bought an antique little desk that I will be using for my sewing, but I will save that for another post.
Hubby has been forewarned about these purchases. I am thinking he will like the change in our house since it looks a lot more organized and collected.
I can't wait to see him. I have missed him so much.
Until next time!