Idea #2: Using Tape to Decorate Your Walls

As I stated last week, we don't foresee buying a home anytime soon.
Therefore, I have been collecting ideas on sprucing up a rental home.
I hope to have ideas to share with you each week.

Last week's idea was wallpaper.

This week's idea is using tape to create the look of wallpaper or striped walls. 

Little Green Notebook had a post this week on using tape to decorate your walls.

If you don't want to use wallpaper in your rental,
you can actually use tape to create the look of wallpaper.

This image is from Southern Living and this is wallpaper,
but you can recreate this look using tape.

via here
You can use several types of tape for this project.
This is floral tape.
Caitlin Creer via here
This is aqua Japanese masking tape from happytape.
more Japanese masking tape in teal 

And earlier this month High-Heeled Foot in the Door had a post on
Country Living 
She used black vinyl electrical tape.

I love the creative minds of Caitlin and Camila.
I wish I had a mind like theirs.
In a future home, I may just have to try this idea.


Happy Halloween!


I May Need a Pair