Window Shopping
I went window shopping yesterday.
I found some great deals, but I was just window shopping.
Although, I am considering going back.
I apologize for the shots. I used my camera phone.
I found some cool x-benches at an incredible price.
If I had room for these I would totally take them.
They just need a good cleaning.
They look almost identical to these here below.
This image is making me really want them.
But I don't think hubby would be too happy about that.
And here are some other ones.
I also saw a white ceramic greyhound.
I have been wanting one of these.
He had a resemblance to these
I also found this chair. And at $35 I knew it was a steal.
A paint job and some new upholstery would make it look great.
Have a wonderful day!
1/6/10 mine, 2/3/4/ via here, 5/ via here, 7/ via here, 8/ via here, 9/ via here