Ella Sofia's Room

If I ever have a little girl I want to name her Ella Sofia.
I found a great wingback chair* on Craigslist for $50.
So someday if I am blessed with a little girl, I would reupholster my wingback.
I would use the Pink Poppy on only the tan fabric of the chair and
do the rest in a solid off-white Sunbrella fabric.
I would also buy a few yards of the Rubie Green East Village in Pink
and make some curtains.
And I would love the Pearl Lotus Chandelier for her bedroom.
And I am not pregnant but I have babies on my mind.
Ella (I had a huge gut feeling she was a girl)
lived in my belly for 6 weeks and then something happened.
I am thinking this is a sign that we shouldn't have a baby in Peru
and so we will wait to try again once we return to the US.
In case you are wondering, I developed the board above during my holiday
break when I thought everything was still okay.
The board was still in progress.
I was going to add a few more things and accessories.
This week has been a real tough one and this blog has offered so
many distractions that I needed and you all made my days easier.
Thank you!
*Please note that the chair in the board above is not my actual wingback,
but I really liked the placement of the different colors.
This chair is sold by Jayson Home & Garden.

Have A Wonderful Weekend!


Happy Friday & A Note