My Dream Laundry Room

I am so excited to have a real laundry room in Peru.
I know this may not be so exciting for you, but in
our current home our washer and dryer are in the kitchen.
I am going to use this laundry room as my inspiration and
try to incorporate some of the ideas in this room.
I am sure you have seen it a lot already.

Sarah Hartill's Laundry Room via here and here
I already have a little less than 2 yards of the Manuel Canovas Misia fabric,
so I am hoping to find a way to add it to the space.
Since there is a window, maybe I can make curtains with the fabric.
Once I get to Peru, I will order a cool rug to add to the space
since I am not sure if I will need a runner or a 3 by 5.
When I make my trip to Ikea next month I will buy some stainless
steel shelves, bins, and some accessories to organize my tools.
Seriously, I am so excited to have a real laundry room!
No more folding clothes in the kitchen.
Happy Monday!

Dressing Room Du Jour


Sunday, Sunday