Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
2011 was a great year for us:
- We moved to Lima, Peru in April 2011 and said good-bye to Monterey, California.
- During our time in South America, we have visited Southern Peru (here and here),
Argentina (here and here), Uruguay, and recently Chile for Christmas and New Year's.
Some picture of Chile coming soon.
- Hubby and I celebrated our 4-year wedding anniversary in June.
- We found out in October that we are expecting baby #2. On Tuesday, I will find out
if it is a boy or a girl. I will make sure to let you all know.
- AJ turned 3 in December! Amazing how time goes by so fast. 
And 2012 has great things for us too:
- We have a trip planned to Brazil in March. We will be there one month and 
hope to learn some Portuguese.
- We are finishing up our year in Peru in April which means
we get to go back to the States.
- We are hoping to buy a house and buy new furniture.
- In early June, we will welcome a new baby.
P.S. My first months of pregnancy were a bit tough with nausea and a lot of fatigue,
and primarily the reason I have been MIA from blogging. I hope to get back to it more often.

Holiday Vacation in Chile
