Fun DIYs for A Child's Room

Yesterday, I showed you my DIY paper bunting for Ella Sofia's room.
Today, we have just a couple more that I hope to attempt at some point.
I am so impressed by this DIY kitchen. It's small and compact and stylish.
The hubby and I don't have the skills to do this, but maybe I can take advantage
of the cheap labor in Peru. Now, I just have to convince the hubby. It
would look super cute in Ella Sofia's room. I am also loving the colors she used.
For a DIY child's kitchen tutorial go here.
And how cute are these craft jars. AJ would love these with
dinosaurs on top. And let me tell you that we have plenty of dinosaurs to cover
about 50 jars. AJ is at a phase where he really enjoys coloring and I think
he would absolutely love dinosaur jars.
For another DIY, see yesterday's post (DIY paper bunting).

Ella Sofia's Wish List


DIY: Paper Bunting