Happy Weekend

{via my instagram}
Another week has come and gone. Six more weeks in Peru, and then I will be home.
Six weeks! I can't believe our year in Peru has almost passed. I am looking 
forward to a relaxing weekend after one busy week and catching up on some of 
my favorite magazines. On Saturday, we have a Summer Carnival to attend and 
I hope to wear my new necklace. And I am loving my gold bird that keeps my
wedding rings and earrings. After our move, he will find a home on my nightstand. 
Here are a few noteworthy links:
- Sarah's new workspace
- This home on the Glitter Guide
- The launch of The Everygirl
- This poster of the South that makes me want to frame it
and incorporate in a gallery wall since we will be living in 
North Carolina in just six weeks
- and let me not forget my new blog look thanks to the lovely Jessica.
She was wonderful to work with.
Have a fabulous weekend whatever you do!

Happy Monday {& A Guest Post}


In Style