Ella Sofia's Birth Story
Ella Sofia was born on her due date (and so was AJ). Never thought babies
were actually born on their due dates, but I guess it does happen on occasion.
And in my case, I guess I happen to have punctual babies. My water broke at home
at midnight on June 3, the night my mother-in-law arrived to help out. Thank goodness
for this because we didn't have to wake up AJ and take him to the neighbors as originally planned
When we arrived at the hospital, I was already having horrible contractions and very close together.
We were informed that they had just changed their computer system
and they were already having problems with it. What could have taken
5 minutes took 30 minutes (or so it seemed). The epidural I was crying for
was finally administered after 3 hours of my arrival all due to the new system.
All in all, the labor was better and faster than with my first.
Ella in my arms (5 days old). |
I love little feet and toes! |
AJ at the hospital with Ella Sofia. |
AJ is slowly coming around to sharing mommy's and daddy's time with Ella Sofia.
The other day AJ said, "I want to go to the beach with Grammy, Daddy, and Mommy. Ella
can stay home alone." And this morning he said, "I don't want to have a baby sister anymore."
I hope soon he realizes that Ella Sofia is here to stay. But AJ does have his moments
of being a sweet big brother and kisses her every once in a while.