Beauty Find

In yesterday's post, I shared how hard it can be to manage life as a stay-at-home mom. What I forgot
to include was that in all of those aspects of life, I also need to find the time for myself.
It's seems like it's not that often that I find a beauty product that I absolutely can't live without
and this recent beauty find is one of them. Honestly, it is so easy to use and there are no strips involved.
Just microwave, mix, apply, and pull the wax off. That's it. With two little kiddos at home 
I was finding it hard to make time for my twice a month appointments to the beauty salon to get 
my eyebrows waxed. I hate to admit this, but until last week the last time I had my eyebrows 
waxed was the week before Ella Sofia was born. That would put the date somewhere 
around late May. So. Sad. Anyway, now I can have well-groomed eyebrows at my
own convenience. No appointments needed. I just need my two kiddos to stay 
entertained for a few minutes while Mommy does her eyebrows. 
Have you found any recent "can't live without" products?
I was not compensated in any manner to talk about this product.

Baby items for sale


Being A Stay-at-Home Mom