Beautifully Organized

workspace basics:


Today, I wanted to share with you some of the things that are helping me stay 
motivated on my goal to staying organized. 
1. I created a second workspace. My little nook in the kitchen is great, but I was 
finding it too constraining. I still use it, but I am dividing my time between both spaces.
This second workspace is getting an uplift. I am adding some things to make it pleasing
to the eye. I try and pick up a small bouquet of flowers whenever I am at the grocery store
to keep at the desk. Fresh flowers are always uplifting. This mouse pad is coming 
and a new candle needs to be on its way soon. The other reason for using this 
second workspace is because this is where I use Photoshop to create some of the
 images for the blog {like the one above}. I am still learning Photoshop.
2. One thing I have learned over time is that it helps me to be surrounded by functional 
and equally pretty things. I started an inspiration board that will be kept pretty simple:
a few mini instagram prints, a calendar, and whatever else is inspiring me that month.
These push pins need to make their way to my inspiration board. I am loving them
and they are so affordable at under four dollars. My inspiration for my board 
came from this pretty instagram. Simple and pretty.
 3. I have also started to create deadlines for my to-do lists. Sometimes I work harder 
under pressure. But I have also realized that those deadlines need to be realistic
accounting for all of my daily duties {taking care of two kiddos, chores, blogging, etc.}.
4. The main thing is to make the list a priority, but also include in that list playtime
or an activity with my kiddos. And there are days where the kiddos take all of my
time and the list get puts to the side and that is okay too. That's life.

An Escape to the Beach


My Guest Post at Adahlia Volk