Writing Lists {& checking them twice}

When I had a career, I lived by writing lists of my to-dos. They really helped me stay
organized. I would actually write two lists, one for work and one for the home.
Since I left work, I haven't been that good on writing to-dos and if I did somehow
I ended up ignoring them. This year, I am promised myself that I would make a better
effort at writing lists and actually follow up on them. I decided that I needed to treat
being a stay-at-home Mom much like a job and stay organized and on top of things {such as
writing thank you notes, balancing our checkbook, sending birthday cards to friends
and family, and so on}. I have actually done pretty well so far. In the morning while I 
drink my first cup {or second cup} of coffee I either write my list or add on to it.
Mornings are usually better for me and it seems like the kiddos are on their best
behavior. And during the day, I am making an effort at actually following up with my
list in a timely manner. Another thing that actually helps me be productive is getting
out of my pajamas early morning. It seems like getting dressed and putting on
some pretty jewels even if I am just staying home for the day gives me
the motivation needed to start the day.
Now, let's go seize the day and be productive! 

Some Ideas to Try this Weekend {from Pinterest}


A New Year A Fresh Start