Taking A Leap {& Celebrating}
Today, I am sharing something big in my life. A big milestone for me.
I am taking a leap of faith and working on making my dream job come true.
I am celebrating actually, that I managed to muster the courage to make it happen.
It just clicked one day. And although it's both exciting and scary I had to make it happen.
And after much thought and deliberation, I have been working hard to do something about
it. I guess I still haven't shared what. So here it goes. Sara Mueller Interiors is real. Real!
I am squealing in delight. I am sure there will be challenges along the way,
but nothing that perseverance can't overcome.
If you need decorating help, I am now available to help you.
Contact me at sara@saramuellerinteriors.com and come check out my business site.
I will still continue to be here as often as I can.
You can always follow along on instagram {@saramueller} to see what I am up to.
Update May 2013: In pursing this endeavor, I found my true passion at graphic and
web design so for now Sara Mueller Interiors is closing its doors.