The Golden Rules of Editing Your Wardrobe {Spring Cleaning}

Over the past few years, I have been working on building a timeless wardrobe
with a few trendy pieces here and there. With every move we have done in the past, 
I have made an effort at editing my closet and either selling or donating what I no longer wear.
And this year, although we are not moving, I have been consigning a lot of my
unused clothing/shoes/ accessories and simplifying my wardrobe. It's such a good feeling
to get rid of the unused stuff that accumulates over time.

Goop had a great article just recently about editing your closet. And some basic rules to
follow when doing so. Sometimes, it can be hard to get rid of some things, and if you
need a little help in your spring cleaning follow these six golden rules.

And once you've edited your closet, take the time to reorganize it. 
I love organizing by color. It makes it easier for me to get dressed in the mornings.
 {images via Pinterest & Goop}

The New Spring Nude


Happy Weekend