A Note

Last night as the kids were sleeping and after a delicious dinner meal with the hubby, I decided that it was time to catch up on one of my favorite blogs. And as I was looking past their multiple posts, I thought how nice is this to sit and go through their last few months in one sitting. I was savoring the moment with a glass of wine of course. If you are not getting the point, then let me put it this way, it's like when you don't talk to a long-distance friend and then one night you pick up the phone and hear all about their past stories. Anyway, I think I subconsciously have a few favorite blogs that weeks will go by and I won't stop to catch up on them, but when I do oddly enough I enjoy this tiny moment. It means something to me if that makes any sense. Anyway, that being said there are the blogs that I must read daily and if not, weekly, but the ones I save for later are truly special and in a way become more meaningful.

Happy Thursday my friends!



Happy Weekend


Delicious Brunch Recipes