Invest in the Basics {& Promo Code}

I love dressing up, but the reality is that I don't get to do this as often as I want. For the most part, my daily routine includes driving AJ to and from school, a stop at the grocery store, picking up the dry cleaning, and my weekly trips to Target. And some days, I just stay home, catch up on work, on the blog, laundry, etc. So what do I wear? I wear a lot of basic pieces which include jeans, leggings, tees, sweatshirts, sweaters, flats, chucks, flip flops, etc. Anyway I think you are getting the point. But as time goes by, I am realizing that spending a bit more money on my favorite basics I will get more out of them and those pieces will last me a good couple of years or more. Just recently, I gave you a peek at some of my favorite basics. So I say, invest in those pieces you wear often and you will treasure them for years. 

Here are some of my favorite splurge-worthy basics and classics for the fall and winter and they happen to be 25% off at Shopbop with code INTHEFAMILY.

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Organizing Projects/Designs {The Clipboard Trend}


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