A Tour of My Office Nook

Last October, Lesley came to our house and snapped some photos of my office nook. With my little business it has become imperative that my nook offered a place to be inspired. My nook happens to be nestled in a tiny corner of our family room, so it's been a challenge to make it all flow. I basically shopped my own home to complete this space, but it made me get creative and use what I already have. I have since added a rug to the area. Not the rug I want, but it's working for now. 

As the new year began, I started itching for a new feel and I'm already thinking of changing the space a bit. My first thoughts is to add a bigger inspiration board and switch up the gallery wall. A new year and I feel like I need a fresh, clean slate to work in. I'm also hoping to add a new rug to the space this year.

Some details included here: my beloved stack of old Domino issues {and the new ones too}, my Craigslist bergere chair reupholstered in David Hicks La Fiorentina, and my Kate Spade Supreme poster via ebay.

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