Mommies Behind the Blog: Irene of Designstiles

Today's mommy I have had the pleasure of meeting in real life while I lived in Peru actually. She and her husband Evan were visiting the country and it was so much fun meeting a fellow blogger while I lived abroad. Anyway, to get back to Irene she recently became a new mom and she is an inspiration to me as she has managed the duties of being a mom, blogger and a business owner. She is an interior decorator and is trying to expand her business of interior design to children's spaces. 

Name, occupation, how many kids? Irene Lovett, Interior Decorator, one boy (age 6.5 months)

Your favorite thing to do when you have time alone? Watch Housewives and catch up on my design books. Like actually read them.

Three things you can't live without? it was a close one between coffee and wine but I think I'll go with wine, iphone and concealer. I just started using this one and wow, talk about coverage. 

Mommy uniform? striped t-shirt of some variety, demin (either shorts or jeans depending on the weather). Currently, I'm completely infatuated with the curved dolphin hem of these. So cute. And flats or boots (again, depending on the weatherThese have been a favorite since I was pregnant. And my diaper bag. But at least it looks like an oversized handbag. 

As a new mom, what's the biggest adjustment/challenge you had to make? Adjusting to HIS schedule. And adjusting to life with a baby in general. It was pretty tough and surreal at first but every day, you get the hang of it a little better. I think. 

Favorite go-to store for baby toys/clothes? I love baby gap. Their clothes are cute, reasonably priced and surprisingly well-made. I especially love their banded hem pants. They look so soft and comfortable and overall more fitted. We live close to a free standing store so it's way easier than having to set foot in a mall. 

Favorite baby gadgets? I really love our stroller. It still looks new and the storage underneath is awesome for groceries and other shopping excursions. 

What's the biggest challenge with blogging full-time, interior designer and being a mommy? Have you hired help? Balance. Trying to cross off as much of your to-do list in one day, and staying focused when unexpected surprises arise. Unfortunately I can no longer blog 5 days a week and many posts are sitting in my drafts. I've been trying to post twice a week and contribute to Spearmint Baby every other week. The time I do have is mostly dedicated to my business divided by being present for Felix. And a wife and dog mom of two. We juuuust hired a nanny to help twice a week. And we call on a cleaning crew whenever I can't fit household work in. 

 Where do you and your baby go to for fun? Every Monday we go to a breastfeeding support group. I get to share with other moms and he's old enough now to sort of interact with the other babies. As a new-ish mom, it's so nice to sit and share experiences and advice. And lots of walks. He loves them and it's a breath of fresh air for me

What words do you live by? "Don't be distracted by what you think other people are thinking" It's a quote I read from Vanessa Holden, the creative director of West Elm. I cut it out and taped it to my computer as a reminder to just do me. So many times I felt (and sometimes still do) like, oh no, so and so is going to think this if I do that. That type of thinking really prevents you from doing what you really want to do. I'm getting better at not caring. 

When do you find the time to blog and work as a new mom? I try to blog at night after I put Felix down to bed and work during his naps or while he entertains himself in like 10-15 min intervals. 

What's a current goal you are working towards? Focusing on the kids division of designstiles and trying to solely specialize in decorating children's spaces. It was an idea I had last year but life got busy and am really pushing for it this year. With it comes a new site, logo change (thanks, Sara!), business cards, marketing, advertising, networking and getting better at social media. I'm pretty pumped. 

How does a typical day look for you?
   7:00-7:30 Felix wakes up and I bring him into bed and nurse.
   7:30-8:00 make breakfast, feed him solids while I pump and get him dressed for the day. 
   8:00-9:00 he plays, while I try to answer emails and work. Doesn't last very long before he needs attention so I pick him and we dance around or play. 
  9:30-10:30 I nurse again and he naps for about 30 mins (on a good day) and I get dressed for the day.
  11:00-11:30 go on a walk with the dogs. 
  12:00-1:30 lunch, nurse again, Felix naps and I get more work done (i.e emails, get quotes, call vendors, product search, sourcing, mood boards, pinterest) 
 2:00-4:00 go on another walk, nurse again and play (tummy time and recently practice sitting) 
 4:30-5:30 squeeze in more work, feed solids while I pump and husband cooks. 
6:30-7:30 eat dinner and get Felix ready for bed (bath, pjs, read, nurse) 
8:00-10:30 wiiiine time, do a little more work, Housewives if its Monday or Tuesday, try to get blog inspired, do some household chores. Get ready for bed. 
And repeat. 

Thank you Irene for being here with us today. Your photos and words are so inspiring and I wish you success in your new business endeavors. As a mom, we get to wear so many hats on a daily basis and I know it's not easy some days. But you rock Irene! You can view a tour of her son's beautiful vintage, modern nursery here. It's just perfection!

photography by LK Griffin 

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