Mommies Behind the Blog: Chelsea of Chelsea & the City
Today I have the honor to welcome my friend, master editorial stylist, and blogger Chelsea of Chelsea & the City. She's an inspiring young momma on the road for great success. I just love her blog, her way with words, and her style of course.
NAME, OCCUPATION HOW MANY KIDS?Chelsea TubbsStay at home mom, lifestyle blogger & editorial stylist1 daughter, Lorelai, 3 yearsTELL US HOW YOUR TYPICAL DAY LOOKSFor me, no two days ever look the same. However, since Lorelai has started at home preschool this year, we're trying to establish a little routine which is new and different but so helpful!Lo's a late sleeper (which I'm so grateful for) and she usually tumbles out of bed at 9AM. I use the time in between waking up and her joining me to work on blog projects and leave comments on a few of my favorite daily reads. We start with breakfast and some snuggling on the couch then try to fit in school from 9:30 to noon. Sometimes, if I'm in meetings with my editorial team or running around for a shoot we get to our curriculum much later. What's great about free-form preschool is being able to use outings (like grocery shopping or spending the day at the studios) as lessons.Lorelai is amazingly independent and often plays on her own after lunch so I'm able to get a little more work done and catch up on a few chores. We fit in play dates and ballet throughout the week so that we're not too isolated in our at-home bubble. It's such a gift being able to stay with Lorelai but I have to be diligent about getting out/socializing with friends so neither of us gets too cooped up.Daddy is home from work around 6pm and we usually try to sit down for dinner as a family. The evenings are spent hanging out as a threesome until Lo's bedtime at 9pm (which can quickly turn into 10 or 11 depending on how tired/wild she is). Mr. Jackson and I have a special spot in our hearts for our Netflix subscription and we usually stay up well into the night watching episodes and chatting after she's gone to bed.
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR MOMMY STYLE?In the past I might have described my style as classic and understated but I've recently become obsessed with all things bohemian. As I transition my closet to include airier, free-spirited pieces, I find that I'm more comfortable chasing Lo around and getting dirty from time to time. Normally I'll sport easy pieces like rompers and dresses (in comfortable fabrics like cotton… HA!) with a few accessories for fun. Playful dressing makes for a playful environment and encourages Lorelai to express herself with her wardrobe choices… something we totally have in common.WHAT ESSENTIALS DO YOU CARRY INSIDE YOUR BAG?Lo's in a phase of carrying her own little backpacks and purses which has lightened my load so much! She totes around diapers (for those days when potty training is too much) and a change of clothes (for when it's not). I usually only have to carry my iPhone, keys and this wonderful J.Crew keychain that has slots for my ID and cards. Being hands free is the best!
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE AND WHY?We relocated to Alabama in October of last year and our apartment is still very much unfinished. Our living room is the place where we usually gather but Lorelai's room gets excellent light. It's a total toss-up which is my favorite but we're having a blast adding special little touches to each room of our cozy little two bedroom.WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE SOME ALONE TIME?I rarely have an uninterrupted moment that isn't already allotted for some project or chore. One of the biggest struggles of working from home and being a full-time mommy is scheduling down time for yourself. Lately I've been using every free moment gathering inspiration for shoots and blog projects which, to me, is fun and exciting. When I absolutely need a break I'll slip off for half an hour and take a hot bubble bath (which, let's be honest, usually includes Lorelai about fifteen minutes in)!THREE THINGS YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUTMy little tribe of people (family and friends), caffeine (I waiver between coffee and tea but you can always find a mug at my side) and wifi!
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE GO-TO STORES FOR TOYS/KID’S CLOTHES?For clothes we love Zara, Gap and fun Etsy shops for one of a kind treasures. We're usually gifted a ton of toys by doting grandmas (thank God for those), so I try to round out the bright Disney gear with educational things and unique playtime staples by Ikea, Pottery Barn Kids and Land of Nod.WHAT’S THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE WITH BLOGGING, WORKING, AND BEING A MOMMY? HAVE YOU HIRED HELP?Being someone's whole world and simultaneously trying to maintain your own passions/relationships is the most difficult part of doing all of these things at once. It's true what they say, "You can have two of the following: a happy family, a clean house or a sane mommy." I spend my time battling which two of those are most important any given day (usually skimping on my own sanity) and adding in blog work, styling clients and passion projects. It gets overwhelming (and I'm always begging other mommies for time management tips) but I wouldn't have it any other way. We haven't hired any help yet but I would love to add a bi-weekly deep clean someday!
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY TO DO WITH YOUR DAUGHTER?We love a good impromptu dance party! Lo and I will choose a funky pandora station or throw on a vintage record and shake it out a few times a week… usually when I feel like I've been a tad too glued to the screen that day.WHAT WORDS DO YOU LIVE BY?"This too shall pass"This is something my mom always says and her grandma said to her. When things get a little busy or hard it's nice to hold onto that idea… that everything is constantly changing/moving and the chaos will eventually pass.WHAT’S A CURRENT GOAL YOU ARE WORKING TOWARDS?I'm currently juggling a few really special projects (the explore series on my blog, amazing editorials with a few really interesting brands & a wedding festival in January) that I'd like to see turn out well. Aside from career things, I'm always working toward making sure Lorelai is happy, well-adjusted and free to be little!
Thank you for being here today and sharing these beautiful photos with us! You can catch more of Chelsea on her blog, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and by Sleep Fox Photography