Paris in 24

hotelrecamierparishotelwindow2saramueller_pariswindow2saintgermaindespresMy time in Paris was a short 24-hour layover, but it was long enough to book this hotel. I was extremely happy to see the hotel nestled between Saint Sulpice and the Jardin du Luxembourg. Before I left home, I had spent some time studying my Paris map to plan my route. But to my extreme luck during our stay in Riad El Fenn in Marrakesh, we met a very lovely family and we quickly befriended them - a successful French architect who married an English structural engineer now living in the UK. When I told them I would be spending just 24 hours in Paris and how I had my entire route planned, the French woman {Sophie} was curious to see what I had in mind. She studied the map and my marked areas, and she quickly offered her suggestions. I was pretty excited to have her opinion as to what a first-timer in Paris should do. It felt like our meet with them in Marrakesh was destined to happen. As I was going through my photos of Paris I was immediately transported back and to say I got emotional is an understatement - tears welled up in my eyes. Paris was always a dream and we plan on going back for our ten-year anniversary soon. But I feel extremely blessed for my trips this summer.stgermainearea_parisaroundparis2bookstorelesdeuxmagotsladuree_parisladureetable_parisladureewindow_parisladureemacaronsseineriverpontdeartspontdearts2museedelouvremuseedelouvre4museedelouvre3louvrelouvre3jardindestuileriesruedemonterguielruemonterguiel2ruemonterguielmarketmariagefreresfromcentrepompidouparis_bycentredupompeduparis_greendoor2andotherstoriesparis_seine_eiffeltower2paris_seine_eiffeltower3eiffeltowereiffeltower2parcduchampdemarsparisbluedoorsaintsulpicesaintsulpice2jardinduluxemburgjardinduluxemburg2Paris in 24 HoursEarly AfternoonMy flight arrived at CDG around 11:30 and I quickly managed to find an official taxi to Hotel Recamier in the Saint Germain area {6th Arr.}. I checked in, and a quick outfit change later I started to walk the streets of Paris. Making my way through Saint Sulpice up through Rue Bonaparte I stopped at Le Deux Magots for their famous Chocolat Chaud and took advantage of free wifi for some very important instagram/twitter updates. Still making my way up, I stopped at Ladurée to pick up macarons. Enamored with the Parisian scenery I snapped photos along the way to Pont de Arts, the lovely pedestrian walkway bridge with the locks, and made my way across the Seine. I swear I kept pinching myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. I went through the Musee De Louvre and I wish I could say that I did their quick tour, but too enamored with the streets I decided to keep on walking. A few minutes later I found myself at Place de Victoires and I proceeded to make my way to Rue Monterguiel to pick up some the famous Parisian tea at Mariage Freres. This street is wonderful for food shopping and has lots of tiny little restaurants.Late AfternoonAt this point I made my way through some pretty streets to Centre Pompidou to get the full Paris view from their terrace restaurant and got a table for some nibbles and drinks. After a quick peek of the museum at the Centre I made way out to continue with my Paris tour. Exhausted from all the walking I decided to grab a taxi to Rue St. Honore for some shopping at & Other Stories. After a bit of shopping I made my way through the Jardin du Tuileries through Pont Alexandre III. Another quick cab ride to rest my feet I made my way to the Eiffel Tower and relaxed at the Parc du Champ de Mars admiring the beauty of the tower and just enjoyed people watching. I then decided I needed another macaron stop. This time from Pierre Hermé. I was on a mission to do a macaron tasting comparing the Ladurée and Pierre Hermé macarons. I loved them so much I couldn't decide on a favorite. Although the Ladurée boxes and presentation were my personal favorite. From here I started making my way back to the hotel stopping at Café de Flore for dinner.The Next MorningI grabbed a coffee and found myself at Jardin du Luxembourg to take in my last moment in Paris. Sad but grateful, I then proceeded to grab a taxi and head to CDG for my return home.


Maison Berthillon for the ice cream in the Notre Dame area

Lily of the Valley for tea and pastries

Ladurée for macarons and tea

Pierre Hermé for macarons

Les Deux Magots for the famous Chocolat Chaud

Café de Flore




Astier de Villate for French ceramics

Mariage Frères for tea


& Other Stories


Hotel Recamier


Musee de Louvre

Musee D'Orsay

Sacré Coeur

Eiffel Tower

Parc du Champ de Mars

Jardin des Tuileries

Centre Pompidou

Rue Montorguiel

Fun Fact: Paris is shaped like a heart, crossed by the Seine.


Shriek or Chic


Good Things: Cozy in Pastels