#30DayMinimalism Challenge

marchminimalismchallenge_saramuellerIf you are in need of a mental cleanse, then I encourage to join me on this challenge. Since the new year started, I've been doing some of the things on this list off and on, but with spring on the horizon, I'm aching to hit refresh and welcome a new season with a fresh and clear mind. There are other things in here that I have had on my list for months, like decluttering my digital life. I still haven't made time for that, but there's nothing like a challenge to encourage me to get stuff done.I have also been going through random spurts of uninspired feelings in the last couple of months, and anytime I feel uninspired, it really gets me down. I crave being creative and I feel at my best when I'm full of fresh ideas. So this is my chance to do a mental cleanse, to purge out the negative and focus on the positive. That's what this challenge to me is about. I'll be checking in on some of the things on this list as I get them done. I may do one big post when I'm done with the challenge or split them up in small posts. I haven't decided yet, but if this is something that interests you, then please check back.What am I hoping to accomplish? I'm hoping that the outcome of this 30-day minimalism challenge leaves me recharged and energized with fresh ideas. I'm also hoping that it will put some things into a new perspective. I may even combine this mental cleanse with a body cleanse since that has also been on my mind. Whatever the case, I know the outcome will be a positive one.If you plan on joining me on this challenge, please comment below so that we check in on our progress. Good luck to you and wish me luck!source


The Easter Table


Weekend Favorites