10 Things I've Learned About Being a Mom

saramueller_ems2_blueberryfarmMother's Day is coming soon and it has me thinking about what motherhood means. To some women becoming a Mom seems so natural and easy, and to others like me, it may take a while to get the hang of it. My first year as a new Mom was really hard and an emotional roller coaster {a bit of the postpartum blues}, but I do think that in the past six years, I've learned some things about motherhood. Like the responsibility we are tasked with as parents to guide our kids through life, to mold them into responsible adults, and to help them find their purpose in this world.Here are ten things I've learned about being a Mom.The Power of HugsThey work little miracles. Whenever I'm having a rough day or things are just not going according to plan, hugs from the kids always relax me and remind me of what's really important. They just melt the worries away. And it works the same for them. Hugs do work little miracles.Playing Is Serious Business At least for kids, so provide a playful environment. When I first became a Mom, I was reading so many parenting books and somewhere I read that playing is serious business for kids. That's how they learn how life works. I make sure to provide them with opportunities to play daily, but if the day has been busy, we'll usually end the night with a pillow fight or doing something they love.Doubt Is A Daily OccurrenceEverything I do is everything I doubt. There never was a time in my life where I doubted myself so much like I do now. Every action gets questioned. Am I being a good mom? Was my punishment fair? Should I be more lenient, more strict, etc.?Multitasking Is Second NatureMy to-do lists are always long. I'm always trying to figure out ways to do things smarter and it's rare when I'm not multitasking. If the kids are in the bath, you'll usually find me getting laundry done, folding clothes, or I'll even take advantage of cleaning the bathroom while they are happily playing in the bath.Be Present - They Won't Be Little ForeverSince multitasking is like second nature, I'm being extra conscientious about being in the moment with them. After all, these moments are fleeting by the day . . . They won't be little forever. They are growing way too fast.Respect Always Works Both WaysThere are times when I'm definitely stressed that one little mistake by the kids can make me feel like there's no other option than to explode. But really, that solves nothing and doesn't take my stress away. So I try to remember that I need to treat my kids the way I want to be treated. I'm their role model - their daily example. Yelling at them will only cause them to yell at me.Kids Are Your Worst CriticsThere's the saying that you are your worst critic. But in the end I believe that my kids are my worst critics. They will tell me what I'm doing wrong even when I don't want to hear it. And ultimately, they are the critics that I really care about. What they think of me does matter to me - the impression I leave behind, the imprint I'm making in their lives, and how my actions affect them. And since I'm their role model, I need to be in my best behavior at all times.The Idea of Having BalanceBalance, ask any Mom, is nearly impossible. I can't really have it all even though I want to think I do. Some days, I may spend most of my day working, and other days, I may spend most of my day doing a fun activity with them. That's just the way life is sometimes.Moms Are Not PerfectNo matter how much I try to be the best Mom ever, there are days where I fail. I will always be a work in progress and not the perfect Mom. In the recent issue of Darling, I read "but how do you become happy with yourself? I think it comes down to living authentically and kicking harmful obsessions, like the idea of perfection, to the curb." I think my best course of action is not to try to be a perfect mom, but to try to be a good Mom the best way I know how.Moms Are Super HeroesI don't think my kids want me to be perfect. They want me to be good to them, to be present, to make them feel safe, to console them when they have a bad day, to tell them they are beautiful inside and out, to play with them, to give them lots of hugs and kisses, and to tell them every day and night I love them unconditionally no matter what. After all, that is all I want too. I'm their real-life super hero and I have the power to make them feel special every single day of their lives. That is what a good Mom is, but not a perfect one. I'm flawed just like any other Mom.If you read this far, thank you for reading. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. And tell me what is a good Mom to you?Throughout the next few weeks, I'll have some gift ideas for Moms and I'll also be surprising a special and amazing mom with a beautiful gift from Thymes. Use the hashtag #MothersDay or #AmazingMom to play along.


Miami Living


Good Things: Beach Bound