Summer Is For . . .


entertaining {#TeavanaTime}


hosting playdates - what child doesn't love cherries, watermelon slices on a stick, sweet tea and popcorn?! {#FreeToBe}


beach days {#FreeToBe}

beachtime_ems-saramueller summershowers-rainbows-saramuellerevening showers + rainbows

summerwhites-saramuellerhead-to-toe whites {#summerinasnap, #JORDWatch}


watching sunsets with the hubby {#Stanleyness, #romance}


strolls by the beach {#howisummer}

Just before we left North Carolina, we managed to host some playdates, parties, and sleepovers - as if we weren't busy enough. But it was important to me to see our friends and not hide in the middle of the moving chaos {see #8 of this post}. And of course we had to make time for the beach. We also couldn't help ourselves and one night we escaped to our pier to watch the sunset after an evening storm. We caught that rainbow on our way to the pier and it couldn't have been a more beautiful and serene night - this picture was taken on that night. The beauty of it all made me realize how I took for granted the majestic North Carolina low country. This place will always have a special place in my heart.

Now you fill in the blank. Tell me in the comment section below what you love about summer.

Summer is for _______.

all images my own


How To Make Blog Graphics + Graphic Stock Giveaway


Weekend Memo {Farewell North Carolina}