Moving Is A B***h

Excuse the radio silence please. Moving is a b***h. To say I've been overwhelmed is an understatement. From dealing to unpacking boxes to your typical day-to-day issues hasn't been easy. And my oldest has had a hard time adjusting to it all. I wake up, open boxes, feed the kids, and repeat all day long. The other problem is trying to make furniture work in the new space, but I keep telling myself nothing is permanent. In time, we will replace the "temporary furniture". My only savior at night is seeing the minor improvements and unwinding from the day with a glass of wine.

Hopefully soon, I'll have a few sneak peeks of how the house is coming along. Meanwhile, here are some inspiration photos of projects and vignettes we hope to incorporate.

domaine_doorcolor_entry Paint the inside of the entry door

houseandhome_marblediningtableTop the dining table with marble

amberinteriors_succulents_bookshelfAdd succulents throughout the home

dominomag_bathroomvignetteDue to the lack of space, I'm going to need to do something like this in the bathroom to organize my beauty products.

michelleadams_perfume_vignetteCreate a pretty and feminine vignette in the master bedroom.

At this stage, the house is one big work in progress. Next week, I'm hoping to pick up a fiddle leaf fig from Sprout to add to the dining room, but like I promised, I'll have a few sneak peeks soon.

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Weekend Memo


First Party In The New House