Home Progress: The Dining Room

diningroom-fiddlefig-marbletable-saramuellerwork-diningroom-fiddlefigtree-saramuellerdiningroom-fiddlefig-sideview-saramuellerFor those of you that follow on Instagram, you may have seen a peek at our dining room already. A couple of weeks back we had our table topped with marble, and this weekend we added a fiddle fig tree from Sprout Miami. It feels like we are close to done with this room. While we still need to tweak some things and maybe add some artwork, I feel inspired to use this space as a possible work area.Hosting dinner parties will also be more doable now that we have a working table {our old one was broken}. But be forewarned - I'll probably have coasters covering this table. Ha!Soon, I'm hoping to give you all some tips on how to go about adding marble to an existing table.Happy Monday!For more sneak peeks of our home progress, refer to this post and this post.

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Packing List: Key West


Weekend Memo