Birthday Boy


Seven years old. How times flies. A few days ago, AJ turned seven. We of course celebrated with our closest friends with cake and a full-on Skylanders-themed party. But on the day of his birthday, it was birthday donuts for breakfast for the birthday boy -- super low key and with his favorite dessert. He was totally surprised and he loved it.


I captured a few snaps to remember his day.

And if one day you read this, just know that I love your zest for life; your energizer-bunny energy because nothing slows you down, not even being sick; I love watching you love and hug your sister; and how much you love your mommy/daddy dates. You are slowly turning into a big boy as you are already asking for gel on your hair and slowly appreciating the clothes mommy buys for you.

Happy birthday my high-spirited and sweet boy!


A Gingerbread House for Christmas


Holiday Family Rituals