Building Healthy Habits With My Kiddos
Weekend mornings are my favorite. We normally don't have to be anywhere early so we can take our time getting ready {or hang out in our pajamas} and make a well-balanced breakfast. And the kiddos know that a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day with a side of their daily vitamins. We always have fresh fruit on our countertop. Lately, we've been eating a lot of papaya, pineapple, grapefruit, and strawberries. And I'll make homemade popsicles and fruit smoothies on a regular basis for healthy snacks. On most weekend mornings, you will find them helping me make breakfast. It's a rare occasion when I have to request a volunteer in the kitchen. I love that they see the healthy ingredients that go into making their meal. The kids also help me set the table, and we sit and have a family breakfast which is rare during the weekdays because of school. Needless to say, the making of our weekend mornings have become my favorite quality time with the kiddos.
Part of my job as a mom, will always include teaching them how to build healthy habits, and a healthy habit I've accustomed them to is taking their daily vitamins every morning. They will actually remind me if I somehow forget {no lie!}. Olly has been our choice of vitamin supplements, and I feel confident that between the vitamin supplements and our healthy meals, my family is well taken care of.
My son is a very active boy and somewhat fearless -- I call him "Super Boy" and he gets his super powers from his vitamins and supplements -- Growing Bones, Mighty Immunity, and Super Brainy. And Super Boy has a super palate. This boy will sometimes ask for just vegetables for dinner, so there's no fight eating his green beans or broccoli. He will eat and try anything too. I'm not sure there are many more 7-year-olds out there that will eat duck pâté. I know how lucky I am!
My daughter is definitely an all girly-girl and gentle at play, but she's my picky eater. There's about 6 foods she likes so I'm challenged in hiding her veggies wherever and however I can. Hence, we make pumpkin or sweet potato pancakes year-round, and my banana muffins will have some carrot. Her super powers are her multi-vitamin, Happy Tummy, and Mighty Immunity. Every day we work on expanding her palate.
If you're interested, Olly is hosting this Up, Up and Away Giveaway.
Thank you Olly, a brand I love and use, for sponsoring today's post.