Weekend Memo No. 113
What I wish I was doing this Sunday! Ha! So I've been a bit MIA lately. I recently read this post and I've been feeling the same way. It's like she took the words right out of my head. I've been extra busy lately, a bit too much for this part of the world and for my instagram. It sometimes makes me sad that I don't have the time I want to devote to these areas of my life, but the reality is that I AM LIVING LIFE. A real life. One that includes my family and friends.
I've been making a bigger effort at being present. So to that end, my phone will sometimes stay in my purse for hours, or I'll simply ignore it. And you know what? It feels good. My kids will only be this little for a short amount of time and I'm relishing our times together. We've been doing so many more family activities, enjoying more family movie nights, playing board games, and just simply being together. I'm even thinking of starting a "no electronics day". Surprisingly, my kids are not hating all this together time.
And you want to know how this all came about? We decided one horrible day of Andy misbehaving terribly that we would take his iPad away for 5 weeks. The number of weeks was based on several episodes of misbehaving in case you're wondering. But it turned out to be the best for him and the family. It forced all of us to be less dependent on our electronics and social media, and to spend more quality time as a family. It was the best decision we made!
Weekend MemoMy favorite bolognese sauce.Never lose anything again.What to cook this weekend {or week}.How to have a happy marriage.I'll be back soon to share with you some of my favorites as of late, and a few holiday posts.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
image via J.Crew