Halloween 2018

Happy Halloween! It's been a fun month full of all the spooky and hocus pocus that comes with the season. We made our mummy sugar cookies that we do every year, and after having every intention of making our chocolate mousse, we instead made our favorite chocolate cake and added old school ghosts. I was actually hoping to do them both, the mousse and the cake, but I was a bit short on time.

outfit details:

J. Crew Top and Skirt | H&M Bow Earrings {similar here and here, love these}

We invited some friends and hosted a pumpkin carving party.


And as much as I love family theme costumes, my kids just won't go along with it. So I let them be and most years, I'm just a pretty simple witch.

I can't believe we're waving good-bye to October and the Halloween season.

Hope you have a fabulous Halloween!

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Weekend Memo No. 132


All That Glitters