To My Hubby

via here
It's been almost 4 years since hubby proposed. And last night I was thinking of the list I had made of what I wanted/needed in a man. I wrote the list before I met him and he had 20 out of those 21 things in my list. And still does. It was number 14 that didn't meet my standards. 
I wrote that list the same month I met him. 
I had read somewhere that if you put things in writing they come true. 
And for me they did. I am so blessed for that.
Here is a scanned copy of it.
It wasn't written in any particular order.
I just wrote down things that came to my mind.
Hubby's proposal was perfect. It was at our first house during dinner one night.
It was so unexpected and that's why it was perfect.
I loved everything about it!
I love you hubby!

Happy Weekend!


Things I Am Loving Right Now