Stylish Blogger Award

I am still blushing!
Liz from Wallpaper, Cassie from Hi Sugarplum!, and 
all passed on the Stylish Blogger Award to me.
It truly is an honor that my blog was nominated and 
that it made it to someone's favorite list.
I am in complete bliss right now.
Thank you Liz, Cassie and Kim for thinking of me!
Now I am supposed to do a few things:
1. Thank and link back to the person(s) that awarded me.
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. Pass the Award to 10-15 great new bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award.
Here are 7 things about myself:
1. I am French at heart. I enjoy red wine with dinner,
love French food, and French things.
via here
via here

top images via here
2. I am a romantic!
via here
via here
3. My absolute favorite flowers are Peonies.
via here
via here
via Lonny
4. My new obsession is leopard.
via here
5. My favorite design firm at the moment is Massucco Warner Miller.
6. My favorite perfume is Chloe.
7. For some reason I have always wanted to own a Basset Hound
and name him Mr. Wilson. Since a new dog is not in my future, 
I bought this brass little guy and gave him the name.
I really like him!
And now, I pass on the Award to the following great bloggers:
Carolyn of Tilly Maison
Christine of Bijou and Boheme
Chassity of Look Linger Love
Victoria of vmac & cheese
Thanks again Liz, Cassie and Kim for the fabulous award.

Weekend Plans


Simply Classic