10 Things Moms Should {Try To} Do
I am sure you have read many posts like the one I am about to share.
This post is more of a reminder to myself and if you are a young mom like me
you may resonate with it and if not, I hope you learn something from it.
After the birth of my first baby, AJ, I forgot who I was or maybe better described,
I stopped being myself. Going from wearing heels on a daily basis as a professional woman
to becoming a stay-at-home mom and taking care of a child non-stop, day and night,
and wearing spit up on my clothes sweats was not what I had expected motherhood to be.
Not doing my hair or makeup became a normality. I really lost myself. I put everyone
ahead of me, and forgot to take care of me. Fashion was no longer a priority. My poor
hubby came home to a messy and overwhelmed wife.
But I made it that way and this time being so close to my due date I choose to live
differently with a newborn around. So I am making a list of things I shouldn't
forget to do since life inevitably gets in the way of some of these.
Here is the list in no particular order.
10 Things Moms Should Do
No. 1: Dress up even if it is to be home or run down to the grocery store.
It will make you feel better about all the changes happening in your life.
No. 2: Kiss your babies more often and tell them you love them.
No. 3: Make time to be messy. It really is okay.
No. 4: Cook more often with your kids.
No. 5: Make playtime a priority. I read in some book that play is serious business
for babies and toddlers.
for babies and toddlers.
No. 6: Appreciate and enjoy the small, sweet moments that life offers.
No. 7: Make more time for the hubby. Go on date nights more often. And have more fun!
No. 8: Go on an adventure by yourself. A shopping adventure would be my type.
No. 9: Play more outside.
No. 10: Make time for yourself whether it is going for a daily jog, taking a nap,
getting a much needed pedi or massage, or reading a book.
And a bonus: Choose to be happy everyday!
{images via my Pinterest and A Piece of Toast}