Beauty Bar {Great Legs for Summer}

{New favorite sequin top (on sale now!)}
Did you read Lucky's May issue? In case you haven't, they had a great article
on getting great legs. Here is the list of items they featured. Number 2 is coming to me soon!
1// Ultra-hydrating razor: Moisture bars - on either side of the blades - treat skin
2 // Gloss: Adds the most beautiful sheen: models reportedly shellac their legs with it
before shows, and it makes a tan last longer! Kate Logan Beauty Brazilian 
Leg Gloss, $44,
3 // Balm: Massage in this balm immediately after shaving to prevent those
hateful little bumps. Antipodes Saviour Skin Balm, $52,
4 // Moisturizer: Made from 11 ingredients - including organic vodka, tingly peppermint,
and British beeswax - this adds a subtle hint of natural color. Mrs. White's Legs
Eleven, $30,
5 // Skin Smoother: An exfoliating, antioxidant blend of hyaluronic acid and
mangosteen discourages ingrowns. European Wax Center Post Waxing
Exfoliate, $38,
6 // Eco-friendly disposable: Three flexible blades + two conditioning strips =
perfect shave. (Plus, the handle is made of 100 percent recycled plastic.)

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