Happy Weekend

It seems that spring weather has arrived. Finally! I have been wearing shorts and flip flops all 
week. It really feels good to shed some of those winter layers and pull my favorite spring
basics. Getting back to this post, I am really looking forward to this weekend. We will
be entertaining new friends and I am excited to try a couple of new recipes. Wine, good food, 
and new friends is always a good thing on weekends and sadly we don't do enough of this with 
our two young kiddos. And somewhere in between this we hope to finish the built-ins. 
How's your weekend looking?
Have a great one!
P.S. Just in case you missed this post, I am competing in the Online Shoes Contest and 
I have a favor to ask that will only take about two minutes. Please head over here and 
go vote for me if you haven't done so already. Thank you! Thank you!

A New Look


Weekend Links {3rd Edition}