Dining Room Progress

So it seems that putting things in writing does make things come true. Or so it did for me yesterday or I just got simply lucky. If you read my post yesterday then you read about my action plan to tackle the dining room and two things on my action plan came true yesterday -- I found an Audubon print in the perfect size for the space and I picked up the sideboard. A couple of things got checked off my action plan, but I still need to find chairs, curtains, fix the dining room table, find a pair of gourd lamps and replace the chandelier. I gave you a sneak peek of the space via instagram yesterday {see here and here} and to see more pictures keep on reading. I was already planning a trip to pick up the sideboard, and on a quick stop to Home Goods, I found this and this. Thank you to all of you who via instagram gave me your feedback. I love how we can connect so quickly this way. I think the flamingo won more votes, but as you can see I ended up with the heron.
By the way, Wisteria has a very similar sideboard, but for a quarter of the price this one is a great alternative and I am extremely happy with the quality.

If you need any source information, just ask away in the comments section below and I am more than happy to share.

{all iPhone images via Sara Mueller}


Delicious Brunch Recipes


Action Plan for Dining Room {On A Budget}