Blogging Basics: 20 Things I Wish I Had Known

So the other day, my Mom called and told me that my niece had chosen me as her real-life hero for a school project. Wow! For a teenager and family member for that matter to look at me as her hero is well, BIG news. I felt full in my heart that day and grateful and ecstatic to be someone's hero. It's a beautiful thing! What does this story have to do with today's post, well, my niece is also starting a blog and as I started designing her blog, I wanted to equip her with all my knowledge I have learned so far. Here are my 20 things I wish I had known before starting this blog. 

As I look back at this blog, I wish that somehow I could erase the first two and a half years of my blogging. I cringe when I look at it, but don't we all feel the same about this? And I am still learning, but I think that I have also improved and grown as a blogger. I don't think I will ever stop learning and that's a good thing because I love learning new skills. 

And if you've finished reading my 20 things above, I just want to follow up with you and let you know that I am myself working towards taking better pictures, having better graphics, creating more original content, developing a social media kit, and soon I will have a survey for you to take. And if I had more time in my day, I would be better at networking and staying connected in the blogsphere, but thankfully through other forms of social media, like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, I stay connected with other fellow bloggers and readers.
And stay tuned for a post that will feature some of my favorite links that have great tips on blogging and social media information.
Come back tomorrow as I am sharing some of my organization tips.
stay connected


The Basics of Building A Social Media Kit


Sunday's Dinner