Results of the Mini Survey
A big thank you and virtual hug to all of you who completed the survey! It was so much fun reading what you all had to say. I think the only negative comments were that you want more posts, and while I would love that myself, I do have my two beautiful kiddos that take a lot of my time, and my small business of blog designs. I have been trying lately, however, to post 5 days of the week, and sometimes I can manage a 6th. I am trying for consistency, but sometimes life happens right? And for those of you who wanted the posts live earlier, what time would better fit your schedule? I am definitely taking your suggestions to heart and will do my best to keep up with the things you are enjoying, do more of the posts you asked for, and try to incorporate some "look for less" posts, and I will see about outfit of the day posts. For that, did you mean you want to see what I am wearing such as more outfit posts, or just a collage of things I am loving?
Thank you for your honesty, your kindness, and your sweet words of encouragement. I feel like I owe you all a thank you note, so if you want to email me your address I will get right on it.
Happy Thursday my friends!
Images 1, 2, 3: Me typing away, photography by Lesley Veronika, 4: taken by me of my home office
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