Mommies Behind the Blog: Albertina of Mimosa Lane

If you are new the blog, let me give you a background as to how this series started. This series came to life as a way to spotlight women who do it all, a career or business, motherhood, and blogging. A way for them to share their tips and secrets of just how they manage it all. And learn from them a thing or two of how to find that "balance" that we all mothers seek. I, for one, still struggle with this concept of balance, but these women truly inspire me and have already taught me that balance is more about prioritizing. 

So continuing with this series, today we have the lovely Albertina behind the blog Mimosa Lane. She runs a non-profit foundation that raises money for brain research and she is the inspiring voice of Mimosa Lane.

Click read more below to read the full interview.

Your name, occupation, how many kids?
Albertina Cisneros, non-profit director + blogger and wanna-be designer and photographer, 1 little girl

What is your morning routine?
My little one is an early riser, so when she wakes up she turns on the light in the hall way.  This is my cue that I have 15 more minutes to get out of bed. Then, I go to her room to snuggle, the best part of the day by far. Then the day begins- we get dressed, have breakfast, I fix her lunchbox and off to school we go.

What is your "Mommy Uniform" on most days? 
If I have yoga that day it will be my workout clothes (I love Lululemon) and otherwise, jeans (usually skinnies) and an easy flowy top, ballerina shoes (my favorite are Anniel or Repetto lately). And I love my Goyard tote. It's light and it fits everything. I use it so much it is all worn out. I need a new one!

What is your beauty and/or exercise routine?
For my beauty routine I adore my Tata Harper products for my face and Cetaphil body lotionfor my body after showers/baths. I like to do yoga two or three times a week and maybe a barre class here and there. I usually don't wear make-up during the day and just reserve it for dinners and going-out. But I'm thinking I need to revisit this asap and start incorporating it a bit. This is one of my goals for the next few weeks get a simple and easy daily make-up routine down.

What would you tell your 22-year old self?
Stress less and enjoy every moment more. I passed up some wonderful trips because I didn't want to take time off work. And I would have loved to have a better perspective throughout this time period. I took everything too seriously and would have enjoyed everything more if I saw life thru a different lens.

Have you had to hire outside help {for example, house cleaning or babysitter} to help you fulfill any of your duties? 
Yes! Not sure how I could live without it. I have someone who helps me with the house cleaning and since we don't usually have family in town we get sitters to watch Little Miss A when we go out on the weekends.

Who is your role model? 
My mom is my main role model.  She is such a strong and wonderful woman. She has overcome so much and has that fighter spirit that I really admire. She doesn't put up with any nonsense and is a pillar of strength.

What are your holiday traditions {or any you are starting} with your kids?  
One of the holiday traditions we love (and I used to do this when I was a little girl) is to bake sugar cookies in all kinds of Christmasy shapes.  Before sticking them in the oven we poke a hole at the top.  Then when they are baked we decorate them, pull a string through the hole and hang them on the tree.  They don't last long.  Also, aside from Santa we also celebrate the Three Wise Men in January who love to leave educational presents like books.  Instead of milk and cookies we offer the camels sugar cubes and carrots. 

What is your secret to having a successful blog/business and family balance?  This is a hard one. I'm striving for success every day. Some days are better than others. I think I'm just starting to get comfortable with the idea that it's ok if some things don't get accomplished and that the to-do list never seizes to exist. I'm a fan of lists so that I can keep track of things yet to be finished. I like to review the list before going to bed so I can prioritize to-dos for the next day.  My Erin Condren Life planner really helps. Also, planning in advance helps so I can be more efficient with my time. 

Thanks for being here Albertina! You are one amazing lady!

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