Weekend Memo
This is my motto this weekend - do not disturb. With moving-related to-do lists taking up my life, I seriously need to unwind this holiday weekend. Beginning with a sailing trip and followed by days at the beach of pure nothing. Doesn't that sound glorious? The 30-day countdown has begun before our move. I can't believe in less than four weeks we will be living out of a suitcase until we find that perfect home in Miami. Happy Memorial Day weekend!Weekend MemoIn case you missed it . . . bittersweet adventures, mini moments, let's go sailing, and the anywhere workout.On the water this summer . . . take this quiz to find out which boat is perfect for you!Picnic perfect . . . this berry salad with champagne vinaigrette.On the table . . . this healthy Thai salad.Design dreams . . . this dining room would be perfect for our Miami life.Weekend plans . . . sailing and a beach picnic for memorial day celebrations.Sales . . . Joie has an additional 20% off sale, Equipment has 20% off sale, Steven Alan has 30% off, J. Crew has 30% off, Serena & Lily has 20% off everything, and Nordstrom's half yearly sale.What are your plans this holiday weekend? Whatever they are, enjoy and cheers to the holiday!image