Spring Picnic Favorites

wine-fullAs soon as the weather turns to beautiful picnic-like temperatures, I'm all about packing a meal and heading to the park for some good ol' fun {#unlimitedFUN}. The kids feel free to run around, play tag, and enjoy the outdoors. There are two parks I've been wanting to visit for this occasion -- Matheson Hammock Park and the park just outside the Perez Art Museum. The other perfect location would be in the gardens of the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens.


On my packing list for a picnic, there's always a good book. I recently picked this one up and it's a great inspirational true story -- sad though. I found this backyard blanket {under $50!} recently and it's been the perfect size for a picnic or to haul to the beach. It's big enough to fit us all in. And if I was shopping for an outfit to wear, this would be my idea of an easy picnic outfit at the park.

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J. Crew Panama Hat {30% off with code TIMETOSHOP} | Striped Off-the-Shoulder Top {30% off with code TIMETOSHOP} | Garden Shorts {30% off with code TIMETOSHOP} | Woven Striped Clutch {30% off with code TIMETOSHOP} | Madewell Backyard Blanket | When Breath Becomes Air | Woven Cork Tassel Flats {30% off with code TIMETOSHOP} | Large Tote Bag

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Every Day {#Unlimited} Fun