Life Lately

lifelately-saramuellerMovingIn less than 2 years, we might have the opportunity to move to DC for a short 1-year. At first, I was thinking that it would be best for the kids and I to stay put in Miami, but after really discussing it with the hubby and kids, I think we will all move together. I know this means a new school and a lot of changes for the kids and I, but it will also give us several new opportunities and a chance to explore a new city. Not to mention, having more than one season! I'm already looking forward to the move and a chance to take a trip through New England to see the beautiful fall foliage.Annual BallThe annual Marine Corps ball is coming up very soon and I still don't have anything to wear. For some reason, every year I procrastinate on getting a dress, shoes, and accessories. I'm normally not drawn to red, but this may be the year I wear a red dress.Cooking for JeffreyFor a while now, I've been an Ina Garten fan. Anytime I cook a recipe from her, it's always a winner. She never disappoints. Today her new cookbook is released, and I'm expecting mine in the mail!Chanel Look-A-LikesI just received these shoes in the mail, and I have to say I love them. They are comfortable and the heel is just the right height for everyday wear. I'm so excited to wear them with this sweater.Sézane E-ShopI recently found out that you can order directly from Sézane. It ships directly from France and the shipping rates aren't too bad; returns are free too! These loafers are at the top of my wish list.Favorite Fall CandleI've started burning my favorite fall candle in hopes that it will feel a bit like fall around here. Sadly, I'm afraid it isn't helping much.ConfessionFirst let me say that living in Miami hasn't really worked out for me. Three car accidents in my first year, the traffic, the endless summer, the lack of any season other than summer, did I say that already? etc. etc. I could go on. Anyway, I really need a trip somewhere cooler. I'll have to dedicate a post to share more of my confessions because I can think of a few more.


Halloween Breakfast + My Favorite Pancake Recipe


Chocolate Mousse Recipe