Weekend Memo No. 102
I'm getting super excited about our upcoming trip next month. We've decided to spend some additional time in the Hilton Head/Bluffton area after Boston, and of course a trip to Savannah will be obligatory. I have so many places to visit on my list and I can't wait to go and explore. And of course, I'll be sharing here and on instagram.
But before those trips, next weekend the hubby and I are doing a road trip some where close to Miami -- a place we still haven't visited and I'm beginning to wonder why it's taken this long. We have a year left in Miami so you'll start to see many weekend road trips here and there.
Weekend Memo
In case you missed it . . . my home tour on Glitter Guide, The Darling Oyster, love of the journey of being a military spouse, and a commitment to being fit.
#NationalChardonnayDay is coming up on May 25th.
#JCrewPacks . . . share your vacation musts for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii!
The 3-day anti-bloat summer reset.
Julia Child's dreamy cottage is on Airbnb.
Recent buys for our upcoming trips . . . just ordered this dress, this circle straw bag, and this skirt, among other things which I will be sharing soon.
photo by yours truly via instagram