Mommy Moments
a beautiful moment captured by my iPhone
You know those days where nothing seems to go right? Well, I had one of those last week and as the day progressed, I felt it kept getting worse and worse. I worked later than I should have as what I was attempting to get done wasn't going well. As a result, I started to make dinner later than normal. So I started prepping dinner, overwhelmed and frazzled by my day, with two fuzzy kiddos, and I realized that some of the ingredients I needed had gone bad already. So I moved on to plan b and tried something else. Plan b wasn't going well either. The kiddos were fed, finally, and I left the kitchen in a complete mess and moved on to bathe the kids. They were happily playing and just when I thought I had a moment of peace, I looked at them and saw speckles of green poop everywhere in the water. I was a bit surprised that AJ hadn't noticed as he had been splashing water. I looked at AJ and I told him that Ella Sofia had pooped in the bath. And just as I said those words he jumped out of the tub at me. I immediately put him in the shower {he hates the shower by the way} against his will and turned on the water. Then I got Ella Sofia out of the dirty water to join AJ. I had two unhappy kiddos in the shower screaming and trying to get out. If you had walked in at this time, you would have probably thought I was hurting them in some way. Once they were clean and dressed, I couldn't help but laugh at the day's events. I burst out laughing so hard and then AJ eventually joined in and Ella Sofia followed {she didn't know what was going on, but I guess we were making her laugh}. Laughing can make many bad moments not appear as bad and now I realize that that day all I really needed was just a good laugh. I am sure you have had some of those moments too that no matter what you do, things just don't go accordingly. So this is my real life and I am trying my best to design a beautiful life even when poop is involved.
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