Behind the Scenes of Andie Mitchell's Cookbook
Who: Andie Mitchell
What: Andie Mitchell's Cookbook
The Team: Andie Mitchell, Aran Goyoaga, Jenn Elliot Blake, and Jessie Blount.
For the past few weeks, I have been following the ladies behind the styling of Andie Mitchell's cookbook. It has been fun watching what goes into the process of creating and styling the photos. If you are not familiar with Andie Mitchell then let me introduce her to you. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, It Was Me All Along, where she shares her journey of how she battled obesity. I haven't yet read the book, but it's on my list. Anyway, getting back to her soon-to-debut cookbook, there's no doubt that it will be a beautiful book full of delicious recipes. The photography, styling and the food already has me wanting to get my hands on a copy. And as I'm a cookbook hoarder, a copy will definitely find a spot on my kitchen bookshelves.
It really is a stellar team of talented ladies. To follow the ladies in their journey, make sure you follow them on instagram: @cannellevanille, @jelliottblake, @andiemmitchell, and @jmerrillblount.
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