Weekend Memo


Grab your coffee, sit, and relax. It's almost the weekend! You may have noticed a few {very minor} new things around here -- first, the addition of a section dedicated to wellness. I've included a Wellness section on the top menu and the side bar for easy access. And as it turns out healthy living is my "word" for 2016. I was actually at a loss at the beginning of the year with what my word for 2016 would be. I knew it was along the lines of making time for me, but it's more than that. My goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle and hopefully inspire my family and you.

So with that in mind, I've also created a Wellness board on Pinterest where I'll be pinning images that fit with leading a healthier lifestyle. I also have a few new things coming to the blog very soon that I can't wait to share.

Secondly, you may have also noticed my new passion for working out and for skincare, and this all fits with my healthy living focus. I'll definitely be sharing more inspiring material regarding these topics. And hopefully, the new content will interest you and maybe even motivate you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Weekend MemoIn case you missed it . . . the key to healthy living, a gallery wall with Framebridge, my favorite fitness gearMichelle Adams' Michigan home tour.For your next sunny getaway, sunglasses by J. Crew?! Yes please!Here comes the rain. I need this trench coat. It rains half the week here in Miami.How social media changed this writer's diet forever.My go-to breakfast for rushed weekday mornings.I'm thinking of upgrading to this super cool phone.In case you need another home tour.6 stretches for people who sit at desks.Have a lovely weekend!image


Valentine's Day Card {Free Printable}


Michelle Adams' Michigan Home